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Voronoi Transit

Builds a Voronoi pattern to measure effectiveness of the Toronto subway systemClick here to try!

Delauney.js, Javascript

AR Portfolio

Uses my business card as an AR marker to display my projects on the card in 3D Click here to try!

Three.js, AR.js, Maya, Houdini

Daydream Tracking

Daydream Tracking

Over the weekend at HackThe6ix '17, created data annotation tools and trained SVM for tracking the Google Daydream VR headset in 3D space

Python, OpenCV, Three.JS

3D Model Signatures

3D Model Signatures

Houdini Digital Asset to generate unique signatures based on 3D mesh geometry, webapp to store signatures and metadata. Presented by Michael Carter at CAA 2017 (slides on researchgate)

Houdini, Python, SQLite

The Briefcase

The Briefcase

Shared Virtual Reality experience: game where 2 players must exchange information to solve puzzles. First prize at NHacks '16

C#, Unity, Houdini



Experimented with procedurally generated choreography - character dances to music based on different pitches and rhythms. Finalist at UofT Hacks '16

Javascript, Three.js, Web Audio



Fantasy Online was a game that involved countless hours of repetitive clicking. With sore wrists, I built an AI to play the game for me. Sadly, FO shut down in 2015




Sunlight is the fuel that provides plants with energy to grow. In order to flourish, plants tend to grow towards sunlight. This property is called phototrophishm. The simulation aimed to recreate the effect by randomly generating trees and based off their access to light, and determining their evolutionary fitness.
